onsdag 7 oktober 2009

Mike Alexander

Var på Kulturens hus i Luleå i måndags för att se Entombed, Amon Amarth och Evile.... men Evile hade tyvärr ställt in då basisten, Mike Alexander, råkat ut för en hjärnblödning. Imorse kunde man dessutom läsa i nsd att han senare, på Sunderby sjukhus, avlidit... mycket tråkigt.
Gruppens kvarvarande tre medlemmar har offentliggjort följande meddelande för att uttrycka sin sorg:
"This is so hard to find the words to express fully how we feel. We can't believe or accept what's happened. One minute we're talking to our buddy, Mike, the next minute we can never speak to him again.There's so many things rushing through our heads that we want to say, do and feel. We half expect him to come round the corner and call us 'dickheads'. We can't get our heads around it.It upsets us so much that he was away from his family when this happened, although knowing Mike, we're at least glad he was on tour doing what he loves.We're lost for words. We all miss him so much already. He was such a headstrong, genuinely nice guy who loved music and his family. We've got so many brilliant memories with him.Our hearts go out to his daughter, family and friends at this tragic, difficult time.Mike is much loved and is sorely missed.Rest in peace, brother."

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