torsdag 26 juni 2008

Sååå söta

Finns att beställa på Victoria Secret

Betsey Johnson $ 72

onsdag 25 juni 2008


Var hittar Kat Von D sina kläder?? Hoppas man har tur och hittar nåt riktigt häftigt i Vegas. Skulle vilja hitta en riktigt snygg skinnjacka... typ mc eller nåt ovanligt. Gillar den här som Kat har:

Var är solen??!!

Har nu haft semester i snart tre veckor och solen vill inte komma... sommaren vill inte komma! Molnigt, regningt och 13 grader. När ska jag få använda min nya bikini??

måndag 23 juni 2008

Rockabilly Rave USA

Från Planet Jive:

US to get a taste of Europe's biggest rockabilly weekender
The Rockabilly Rave is crossing the Atlantic.

Promoter Jerry Chatabox is to put on an American version of his long running UK weekender. Rockabilly Rave USA hits Las Vegas from October 2nd-6th with headliners Jack Earls, Billy Lee Riley, Carl Mann, Hayden Thompson and Sonny Burgess. Jerry is collaborating with fellow Briton Tom Ingram who runs the Viva Las Vegas weekenders every April.

Jerry's been telling us why it's fallen to a couple of Brits to give Americans a slice of their own musical heritage...

• How optimistic are you that the Rave will work in the US?

The Rave USA is already working! We have had a tremendous response, with people already snapping up rooms at The Orleans, before we have even announced the line up. I think the international reputation of the Rockabilly Rave gives people the confidence to do that.

• Why should British and European rockabilly fans travel to Las Vegas when they can already get such a good weekender at Camber Sands?

Thank you for the compliment! But I think that is exactly the point. The European rockin' crowd have such a good time at the Rave, they want to repeat this in the US. Also we have picked a weekend date which also features a big hot rod show and a 40s and 50s lifestyle event (furniture/design/pin up art/architecture etc), both in Las Vegas, so there will be plenty to do, and plenty of stallholders for vintage and retro gear that are not seen in Europe.

• What are the most difficult aspects of organising a weekender in the US when you're based in Britain?

Well, I have to spend more time in America! Having said that, the problems of running any event, anywhere, are pretty much the same. But I'm certainly not complaining. It's my job and I am very fortunate to have a job that I care about with a passion. Word gets around the world in an instant, so getting the word out about the Rave coming to the US has not been such a problem.

• Why does it take you and Tom - a couple of Brits - to present Americans with a slice of their own musical heritage?

Well of course America has a great many fantastic events which have nothing to do with me or Tom! I think they are more aware of their musical heritage than ever before. But the Rockabilly Rave is a very specific thing. It has a very strong character which both European and American fans feel happy with.

• How do you compare the state of the rockin' scenes in the US and UK? Is there anything we can learn from them, or vice versa?

Of course the two scenes are very different. In the UK I've been a DJ for thirty years, so there is a lot of experience to draw from. In the US it's a much younger scene, with some fantastic new bands coming forward. It's just ideal that the two scenes get together and learn from each other. That's probably what I enjoy most from all the shows in different countries: we all like the same thing, but come at it from different angles.

• What happens when the original 50s artists are no longer around? Will these weekenders still work?

Of course they will, because for us it's a lifestyle choice. People won't suddenly stop liking rockin' bands, or dancing or drinking with a few thousand other rockabilly nuts! It's great that we can still respect the original pioneers of our music, but of course time moves on for all of us, but it won't alter what we like to hear or where we like to go at weekends.

The Rockabilly Rave USA is at the Orleans Hotel in Las Vagas from October 2nd-6th. The UK Rockabilly Rave returns to Camber Sands from June 19th-23rd.

torsdag 19 juni 2008


Ikväll drar vi iväg till stugan... som alltid på midsommar. Massor av god mat, öl och lekar. Hoppas bara det inte blir regn som dom lovat!
Om det regnar så ska jag ligga inne i stugan och läsa min nya bok, Time Outs resebok om Las Vegas =). Har kollat upp var Sephora har en affär så jag kan inhandla Kat Von Ds serie av smink. Tänkte kanske oxå försöka boka in en tid för tatuering... vi får se.

måndag 16 juni 2008

Bara 30!!

Bara 30 dagar kvar!!! Iron Maiden i Stockholm =)


... är Las Vegas resan bokad! Äntligen... 10 dagar och vi åker den 25 september.

torsdag 12 juni 2008


Nu har Sephora släppt Kat Von D:s egen serie av smink.


Usch, vilket deprimerande väder. Här har man haft semester i en vecka nu och det är bara skitväder. Fast i och för sig så är det ju läge att göra tråk-inomhus-grejer då... typ storstäda duschen och städa i garderoberna (måste iväg med gamla kläder till röda korset... får inte plats med nytt).

Sen var det hemskt jobbigt i tisdags då vi var tvungen att ta Stumpis och Tyson, våra katter, till veterinären för avlidning =( Jag har blivit allergisk så vi hade inget val.

Nä, usch, nu vill jag ha riktigt sommarväder hit så jag får bada och sola!!

måndag 9 juni 2008

Nya klämmor

Jag limmade lite nya hårklämmor igår... satt och småpysslade halva dagen =) Måste få ihop ett gäng till mitten på juli då jag ska försöka sälja dom på marknad. JAG BEHÖVER PENGAR TILL LAS VEGAS!!!

onsdag 4 juni 2008


Idag köpte jag dessa snygga solglasögon på tradera. Sååå coola =) Hoppas att dom är STOOORA...

söndag 1 juni 2008


Jag har bara 4 arbetsdagar kvar till min semester. Den är nästan 11 veckor lång!!! Jag ska kitta fönster, sola, gå på Iron Maiden, grilla, dricka öl, bada, läsa....
På torsdag när det är min sista arbetsdag har dom lovat 21 grader och sol. 4 DAGAR KVAR!!